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The 8 Ball: Beatrice Valenzuela

Beatrice Valenzuela | The 8 Ball

We chat with Beatrice Valenzuela, the woman behind everyone’s favorite, the Sandalia. Cautious excitement for the fashion world, a homemade crepe with fried eggs and prosciutto, and 90s films. It’s all here.

Beatrice Valenzuela

We've loved following your Summer with your family on Instagram! You're camping, taking dips in water, getting sun medicinally, and documenting these special moments for us to see. I think that a lot of people are drawn to this lifestyle right now, especially in a time of sheltering. How important is it for you to get outside? Has this always been a part of you?

When I was a child I was very much an indoors type- my children and my partner Ramsey made me enjoy going outside more. Our home is also very much both indoors and outdoor, we're usually outside on our deck all day; we eat all of our meals there during the spring and summer. We've lived here for 10 years, so we have spent a long time embracing this way of life.

I love being indoors, watching movies, cooking, staying cozy. I also love the indoor/outdoor lifestyle my home allows me, having all the windows and doors open, fresh air coming in, all the while being inside.

I wouldn't say I am an outdoorsy kind of person, though. But when I do go outside, I want it to be epic. A body of water, a gorgeous landscape, clean air- I always really embrace and enjoy those moments.

My comforts are important to me, a blanket, a proper umbrella. I want there to be beverages and a beautiful cheese, cans of octopus and good wine, excellent dips, and if the wine is supposed to be chilled, then it should be chilled!

Perhaps if I lived more in a more concrete city, and my views were tall apartments and towering buildings, I would probably crave nature much more. But being cozy inside is super important to me. I like a little shelter, even when I'm outdoors.

Who have you been reading or following or listening to lately that you've found resourceful?

I really enjoy @ashleyhelvey on instagram, she's currently living in the South of France. She has such a beautiful eye and is very generous in sharing her daily highlights. Having beautiful walks in nature, seaside picnics, eating gorgeous meals either by herself or with new friends she finds, in these amazing restaurants- I love feeling like I'm traveling with her. It’s so inviting the way she shares.

Another person I love is @samyoukilis, he’s traveling in the mountains of Oaxaca, exploring the cuisine of the indigenous community. I love how whenever he is traveling, he is eating street food, and sharing amazing photographs and videos of those making the beautiful food. It’s very voyeuristic, he makes traveling feel accessible to me. Traveling does not have to be about staying in luxurious accommodations, but just documenting food, people eating, and seeing the culture of the places through his eye is incredible.

I love listening to @JanayatheFuture, they are so uplifting and political. I feel I learn so much from them, they are so inclusive and kind in their approach. Their Sunday Sermons I love to listen to, they share these important reminders of overcoming and of our power as people. They do it in a way that doesn’t feel like going to church, or like watching the news. It’s somewhere in between- articulate, but not condescending. I feel Janaya is the future, truly, and I hope they are a mirror into what the future will look like.

Can you share a favorite meal that you've made recently?

I just made a crepe with fried eggs and prosciutto. I used Pamela’s Brown Rice Flour Mix, (it’s gluten free), and I just added a couple eggs, water, salt, and some oil, and mixed it all together. I like to make it a bit thinner than a pancake, but thicker than a crepe. Throw it in the skillet, mix a little oil and butter, let it smoke a bit, use a napkin to make the oil evenly distributed in the pan for a nice non-stick surface. I make these thin pancakes that fill the whole skillet, and when the batter is still soft on one side, I put slices of prosciutto onto the cold batter. I then carefully flip the crepe, and then it grills beautifully.

I make a couple of fried eggs, in a pan with a little butter and oil. I keep them runny- sunny side up. I throw them on top of the crepe, with some wedges of heirloom tomatoes, fresh herbs, a chili jam, salt and pepper, some olive oil. I usually have some sort of pickle on the side that I have in the fridge. It is the perfect breakfast or lunch meal, or a breakfast for dinner meal.

What is usually in your cabinets and refrigerator?

In my cupboards I usually always have rice, a variation of beans including lentils, peruvians and black beans. Gluten free pasta and flour, steel cut oatmeal, and popcorn are staples of mine.

You can always find cans of anchovies, octopus, and mussels, dried fruits and citrus peels, sumac, spicy smoked paprika, spices, maple syrup and brown sugar in my cupboards.

A big jar of za’atar, olive oil, canola oil or vegetable oil are staples too. There’s always tea, usually hibiscus, rose, and green teas. Vinegar also, and bitters. Cappelletti, Campari, Wine, Mezcal and Tequila, too.

In my refrigerator you can always find eggs, a variation of cheeses, and cold brine pickles I make each week. Usually there’s cured sausage, bacon, yogurt, milk, and tons of seasonal vegetables. There’s always ponzu and tamari, some sort of yuzu and chili jam, or salsa macha. I keep my lavender and rose water face mists in the fridge for cold spritzing throughout the day. Orange blossom and rose water for beverages, cold brew, condensed milk for coffee, and oat milk. And, almost always leftovers from the evening before. I store them in bowls and do a flat dish on top, that way I can stack my leftovers in the fridge. I hate keeping track of tupperware and the lids.

And not to forget - always ice cream in the freezer.

When do you feel the most beautiful or like your authentic self?

I think of beauty and authenticity differently. I don’t always feel authentic when I feel beautiful- if I’m thinking from a vanity standpoint. I always feel beautiful after a luxurious bath with all of my potions. Hair is washed, skin is soft and supple, feet are scrubbed. That is when I feel the most beautiful; in the most vain, sexy, superficial way.

I feel like my best, most authentic self when I have been consistent with self-reflecting and checking in. When I am aware that my decisions are coming from an empathetic place, instead of a reactionary one, when I uphold my boundaries that protect both myself and my family, that is when I feel like my most authentic self.

What is your beauty and skincare routine like? Do you have any products or practices that you absolutely love?

I don't wear makeup everyday, I actually barely wear it at all anymore. I do love the Botnia Face Wash, but I don’t wash my face every day either. I wash it every other day really, but it depends on what I was doing, where I was.

Throughout the day I will wipe my face with a little cloth, and apply the rose toner by Poppy and Someday. I use the Crema Al Polline by Santa Maria Novella on my face whenever I feel like I need a refresh.

I use the Resurfacing Mask from Tata Harper whenever I’m lusting for an instant glow, it really does work. My routine is washing my face when it feels right, and doing a mask once or twice a week. I don’t do any fillers or botox- I just try to remember not to frown, and to smile as much as I can.

What are you excited about for Beatrice Valenzuela?

Given the climate of the world right now, I am holding my breath and trying not to get too excited about anything coming up. I do remain optimistic though, but I worry about being disappointed.

I am so grateful for how supportive people have been during this time of Beatrice Valenzuela. We have some exciting fall shoes coming out- a little heeled boot and a mule, and a small capsule collection in clothing as well. I’m also working on some new jewelry pieces for holiday. These things are exciting, but I try to keep myself realistic, anything can happen or change. I’m cautious with my excitement these days, but it’s definitely not hindering me. I continue to dream up pieces that are intended to spark joy and uplift those who need it.

I do get excited to support friends, fellow designers and artists. That excitement really uplifts me, the idea of supporting the whole network of people who were involved in getting a beautiful piece to me, that really brings me joy. Fashion bliss!

What is inspiring you right now?

Usually at this time of year I would just be arriving home from a summer trip, somewhere warm and far away. Now that we have been home, I have been forced to find other ways to inspire myself. Watching films really inspire me, films that were made in the 90s particularly. Lately I’ve watched The Piano by Jane Campion, The Lover, and The Governess with Minnie Driver. All period pieces that are beautiful, yet cheeky and very 90s. All of the costumes are amazing- the fashion in all three of these films really inspire me. The women starring in these roles also inspire me; too modern for their day and just trying to survive, and dressed impeccably. These movies are taking me out of this reality, and putting me more in a dreamier place, where I'm finding continuous inspiration.