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At Home: Nadine Artemis, Creator of Living Libations

Nadine Artemis | Living Libations

At Home is about self-care. We're asking some of our favorite people what's keeping them well.

Where is home for you right now?

My home, now and forevermore, is in the beautiful Land of Is in Ontario, Canada.

What are you doing to keep yourself calm?

Swimming in our lake and supercharging by sunning afterward is the best feeling. I also find it calming to visit the flowers in our garden. Laughing with my family when the day is through is always a delight.

What are you watching / reading / listening to?

I’m reading a bouquet of books right now. Rumi’s Soul Fury, a collection of medieval mystic poetry, is a yearly must-read for me. I’m also reading my great uncle’ William Plomer’s collection of poems and essays entitled Electric Delights.

I’m meditating my way through one of the major works of Buddhism called The Flower Ornament Scripture: A Translation of the Avatamsaka Sutra. And I love opening up Poems from the Pond: The Writings of Peggy Freyberg— just this morning I was moved by these lines:

Still, what I want in my life
Is to be willing
to be dazzled –
to cast aside the weight of facts

It’s Summer! Are there special moments or traditions that you look forward to during these warm and sunny days?

I love summer! Summertime always means long, languid swims and soaking in the sunshine. Love summer thunderstorms too. We bask in brambles of juicy blackberries. And long summer nights mean we can have late day family fun on the dock.

What are you looking forward to, personally, or for Living Libations?

I am looking forward to all of the unknown delights that will surprise me and light the way. I’m also really looking forward to Living Libations launching Immortelle Best Skin Ever in the new year. Immortelle is rare and enchanting, and it is one of my favorite oils for the skin, so I am thrilled to share this beauty with everyone.

Something you’ve learned or rediscovered about yourself from being at home?

My day to day life has been fairly unchanged as I often go months at a time without leaving the land. We are so lucky to live amongst the fresh lakes and forests along with having the Living Libations headquarters in our own special, wooded neighborhood.